Met Police to use all its powers to stop Remembrance weekend protest disruption
There are fears the march could disrupt the two-minute silence commemorating the war dead.
There are fears the march could disrupt the two-minute silence commemorating the war dead.
The president’s calcomes as Israeli airstrikes hit apartment buildings in a Gaza refugee camp for the second day in a row, Palestinian officials said.
Israel has been vague about its operations in Gaza, but residents and spokesmen for militant groups say troops appear to be trying to take control of the two main north-south roads.
Joseph Czuba, 71, is charged over the fatal stabbing of six-year-old Wadea Al-Fayoume and the wounding of Hanaan Shahin on October 14.
Aid services have already stated that such blockades on communications make providing humanitarian services to civilians nearly impossible.
Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates condemned the refugee camp bombing.
Around 1,000 officers policed the event, which saw two confirmed arrests.
Minister Gillian Keegan said the Government would not want to ‘cross that line of telling Israel it has anything but the right to defend itself’.
Sir Keir Starmer has faced calls from within his own party to back a ceasefire, as the conflict continues to escalate. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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