Boris Johnson lampooned over interview given in French
The former prime minister tried to explain Brexit to a French radio station and the result was just pure gibberish.
The former prime minister tried to explain Brexit to a French radio station and the result was just pure gibberish.
Jeremy Clarkson may think he's the farmer's champion - but Ian Hislop has perfectly explained why he shouldn't be.
"I am not convinced he has been punished enough - unlike the poor boys his friend so mercilessly flogged in the name of Christianity."
The debate over whether Angela Rayner paid the correct amount of tax on her council house has become a constant Tory smear of late.
The Private Eye editor has been in a long-running feud with the ex-editor of the Daily Mirror.
Ian Hislop also openly questioned if Rishi Sunak 'should be in jail', after he dished out a controversial knighthood last week.
"The Tory party are almost entirely funded by Russian oligarchs, most of whom are sanctioned," he said.
“I mean, it is absolutely fatuous for this government to claim, ‘hey, we’re really acting now’.”
While many have lauded Naga Munchetty for her stinging rebuke, others were left cursing the BBC presenter. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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