Labour to u-turn on plans to abolish Lords in first term – report
Major plans for social care reform will not be included in Labour’s manifesto, according to reports.
Major plans for social care reform will not be included in Labour’s manifesto, according to reports.
Lord Londesborough asked if the prospect of being replaced is ‘exciting’ or ‘alarming’.
The group of around 12 were escorted out of the public gallery by doorkeepers and security staff.
Her Hereditary Titles (Female Succession) Bill will be presented for consideration in the Commons on Friday.
Tory former minister Paul Maynard introduced his Relocation of the House of Lords (Report to Parliament) Bill on Monday.
Peers due to vote on the government's new 'minimum service level' legislation might want to take a long hard look in the mirror!
"The UK political system is corrupt", Prem Sikka said as an investigation reveals peers have donated £50 million to the Conservative Party.
A new report on the UK's future also recommends sweeping constitutional reform in an attempt to "clean up politics".
The Labour leader wants to radically reform constitutional politics with a new elected chamber. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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