Tag: horror

Forgotten Film Friday: Eyes Without a Face

By Michael McNulty We fade in from black and are travelling down a dark country road. Trees with stiff, twisted branches flash by. The accompanying carnival music is beautifully eerie, conjuring images of merry- go-rounds and subtly hinting at the circular existence of the lives of the characters we are ...

The Chamber: Film Review

By Linda Marric @linda_marric Tempers run high and relationships start to instantly disintegrate in Ben Parker’s claustrophobic thriller The Chamber. Set in a single location, the film offers a promising premise, but sadly falls short of bringing anything new to the horror/thriller genre. Trapped in a small submarine off the ...

Blu-Ray Review: Bride of Re-Animator

Written by Leslie Byron Pitt It’s still hard to imagine that there were financiers who were willing to take a chance on a horror film like Re-Animator. This is meant favourably, as the 1985 Stuart Gordon film is the type of deranged cult classic that would manipulate young minds into ...

Review: The Passing

Written by Ellery Nick Escaping into the Welsh wilderness, a young couple takes a wrong turn in their car and ends up nose first in a stream. As luck with have it, the crash is heard by the only man for miles around who hurries to lend a hand. But ...
