Former Tory minister quits the party and backs Starmer to lead Britain
“A full-scale reset of our domestic and international relationships, focused on calm, competent co-operation, is urgently needed.”
“A full-scale reset of our domestic and international relationships, focused on calm, competent co-operation, is urgently needed.”
Ministers on Monday held a series of meetings aimed at ending a wave of industrial unrest in the NHS and on the rail network. They didn't go well.
The tool has revealed Theresa May is currently the highest-earning MP, followed by Sir Geoffrey Cox and Boris Johnson.
Bolsonaro had been stoking belief among his hardcore supporters that the electronic voting system was prone to fraud.
Giving nurses a pay rise they require 'is the most affordable option', Jeremy Corbyn says - and it's hard to argue against him here...
By saying nothing, he said it all. Rishi Sunak was left unsettled during a BBC interview, when he was asked about his healthcare arrangements.
Since leaving Downing Street last September, Boris Johnson has earned TWELVE TIMES the amount he is paid to serve as an MP.
Theresa May has been absolutely coining it over the past few years - and she's not the only MP adding stacks to an £84k salary.
He said the Labour Party will embrace the take back control message’, but we’ll "turn it from a slogan to a solution". – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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