Boris Johnson told Donald Trump to keep discussions about privatising the NHS just between them
"Some parties might make a mischief if you talk about it in public", the former prime minister is said to have warned.
"Some parties might make a mischief if you talk about it in public", the former prime minister is said to have warned.
Brexit's still going well, then? Support for the United Kingdom rejoining the EU has now reached a significant milestone.
Diane Abbott faces a serious battle to save her political career, after her 'deeply offensive' letter sparked an almighty backlash.
In a remarkable attempt to backtrack, Diane Abbott published a statement on Sunday to distance herself from her own remarks.
There were no attempts to stifle the laughter at CNN this week, as Fox News were made to pay the price for their election lies.
The wildlife broadcaster spoke to thousands of climate change protesters from a stage in Westminster
If you're jailing vicars for engaging in a public protest, you really do have to ask yourself if you're on the right side of history.
It goes from bad to worse for Dominic Raab. Not only has he left the Cabinet, but his position as an MP is also under threat.
It has been pointed out that, as there was no acceptance in the resignation letter that he bullied, he was "clearly fired rather than walked." – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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