Oscar-winner Christoph Waltz wishes he ‘attacked Nigel Farage more’
The comments made by Christoph Waltz this week have already rattled Mr. Farage, who has since replied with a video on Twitter.
The comments made by Christoph Waltz this week have already rattled Mr. Farage, who has since replied with a video on Twitter.
Despite scoring millions from lucrative speaking gigs this year, Boris Johnson is being plagued by rumours about his finances.
Why pomp and pageantry won’t mask unshakable feelings that Britain is a country that has lost its way.
Richard Sharp resigned ahead of the publication of a report into his appointment after he helped facilitate an £800,000 loan guarantee for Boris Johnson.
Business Secretary Kemi Badenoch said the Government will only be able to remove 800 of the retained laws before the end of 2023.
New rules brought in by the Conservatives make photo identification compulsory for elections in England.
"By shunning closer border ties, we opted to line up in the slow queue when heading for Europe."
Biden would be 86 at the end of a second presidential term.
“We haven’t thought about it. I didn’t think it would happen. Holy c***, what will we do?”, the former prime minister reportedly said.
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