WATCH: BritishVolt collapsed due to Sunak/ Johnson rivalry
"The North East wasn't as important for them as maybe other places in this country", Orral Nadjari said in an explosive interview.
"The North East wasn't as important for them as maybe other places in this country", Orral Nadjari said in an explosive interview.
Experts have warned that there is an "existential threat to the UK car industry" as manufacturers consider pulling out of the country.
Westminster City Council had raised concerns that late night opening hours could lead to "disturbances and antisocial behaviour”.
"If we believe that WNI is a better measure than GDP, then this drop by more than 9 per cent within 7 years is worrisome."
How to eat like Anthony Bourdain in the big Apple
“Liverpool is an anti-Brexit city, and we want that message to come across", campaigners said.
Just one day after Ofcom ruled GB News 'were in breach of broadcasting regulations', Jacob Rees-Mogg's show has also come under fire.
"Every single river in England is polluted, and one of the largest sources of that pollution is the water industry."
Lord Paddick has proposed a 'fatal motion' aimed at stopping the legislation in its tracks at its first Lords hurdle. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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