Donald Trump backs Rishi Sunak’s decision to water down net zero measures
Former US president Donald Trump said he knew Rishi Sunak was ‘smart’.
Former US president Donald Trump said he knew Rishi Sunak was ‘smart’.
"I don’t want to believe that BBC News is deliberately ignoring the enormous Rejoin EU march for any political reasons, but it’s becoming hard to ignore their lack of coverage…"
"It’s really extraordinary how left wing the British public is compared to Westminster", Aaron Bastani said.
"Their status is propping up a channel that has repeatedly platformed extremist and conspiratorial views," Josiah Mortimer said.
The public is divided on whether Rishi Sunak’s changes to net zero were the right thing to do, but his personal ratings have fallen.
The RAF Voyager has a 158 person capacity and is usually used to transport large delegations of officials.
“The UK is closed for business"
The Prime Minister is expected to water down key environmental pledges in a speech later this week.
The former PM admitted that cutting benefits and raising the retirement age will "not be easy", but it will be "worth doing". – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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