‘I don’t know why she’s doing it’: Lord Dubs blasts Braverman’s ‘poisonous’ migrant rhetoric
"It really makes local people say, 'well if the home secretary doesn't like these people why should we?'", the Labour peer said.
"It really makes local people say, 'well if the home secretary doesn't like these people why should we?'", the Labour peer said.
A new survey suggests Labour could see a collapse in its Muslim vote at the next general election because of its Israel-Hamas stance.
Perry delivered the final line in the last Friends episode in 2004, affectionately known as 'The One Where They Say Goodbye'.
Beauty exports from the UK to the European Union have fallen by more than $1 billion (£850 million) since the Brexit vote, a report has found.
The shadow chancellor's new book The Woman Who Made Modern Economics also contains sections taken from The Guardian and a report by Hilary Benn without acknowledgement.
The decision will remove the limit on bankers’ annual payouts from the end of October. Current rules limit bonuses to 100 per cent of the salary.
Why an early election is the best move for both PM and country.
Organisers called on women and nonbinary people to refuse both paid and unpaid work, including household chores, during the 'women's day off'
A new weekly dossier putting a permanent spotlight on government spending.
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