Anti-Islam firebrand known as ‘Dutch Donald Trump’ set to become country’s next PM
In 2009, the UK Government refused to let Geert Wilders visit the country, saying he posed a threat to “community harmony and therefore public security”.
In 2009, the UK Government refused to let Geert Wilders visit the country, saying he posed a threat to “community harmony and therefore public security”.
Concern that the British public may have been misled on the fundamentals of the autumn statement has started to grow.
So you think you know your politics, eh? We've got 25 questions that will put that to the test.
A report has detailed the “crony contracts”, “duff deals” and “outrageous outgoings” that have happened on Rishi Sunak's watch.
"It's almost as if we live in this parallel universe for the Conservatives."
"The lack of any vision, the multiple mistakes, lack of integrity and honesty suggests to me even lifelong conservatives want to see the back of them."
“The changes our country needs are drastic. There is no room for gradualism, no room for lukewarm measures", Javier Milei said.
Oxfam’s report, based on research with the Stockholm Environment Institute, assessed the consumption emissions of different income groups.
It will “effectively overrule a decision on the facts, on the evidence, by the highest court in the land”, he argued. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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