Greenland visit cancelled after locals refuse to welcome Usha Vance
The US Second Lady had been due to spend several days in Greenland on a 'cultural visit.'
The US Second Lady had been due to spend several days in Greenland on a 'cultural visit.'
Rumours are swirling about the Russian leader's health.
Corbyn accused the government of “robbing disabled people of security and dignity."
The incident occurred in June 2021.
If found guilty, he could be sentenced to two years in prison, and be placed on the Sex Offenders Register.
"I just hate bailing Europe out again."
The petition launched by 38 Degrees believes this is 'the first step' in stopping Trump's second state visit to Britain.
Canada famously being one of the politest nations on the planet, of course.
Dozens of Labour MPs have united in a bid to steer young men away from “toxic influencers” with upbeat messages about fatherhood and the promise of better paternity rights. A new cohort of predominantly male MPs, many from “red wall” constituencies, are calling for Labour to appeal to men explicitly, ... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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