TLE talks to… the Green Party’s new leaders: ‘We’re the real deal’
Can Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay turn the Greens into Britain's pre-eminent third party?
Can Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay turn the Greens into Britain's pre-eminent third party?
Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay will urge helicopter payments for every household to avert a winter "national emergency".
It echoes a trend in Europe, where recent elections show the pendulum could be swinging back towards the left.
From the newsletter: It’s disingenuous to suggest the Greens aren’t doing better because they’ve been talking about trans rights.
The pandemic showed that change is possible. Now is the moment for a strong and radical Green Party, Amelia Womack argues.
The deal sees Greens form part of the government for the first time anywhere in the UK.
Amelia Womack and Tamsin Omond want to be the next co-leaders of the Green Party.
The Green Party welcomed Allegra Stratton's emission, saying they "absolutely agree" with her assessment. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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