Green Party pledge to help ‘cut bills for good’
The party is looking to retain a foothold in Brighton as well as winning seats in North Herefordshire, Bristol and the Waveney Valley.
The party is looking to retain a foothold in Brighton as well as winning seats in North Herefordshire, Bristol and the Waveney Valley.
The Greens could do to Labour what UKIP did to the Conservatives in 2015 if they galvanise the politically homeless.
Not for the first time this year, the Tories have been accused of trying to distance themselves... from themselves.
Ironically, Labour lost the by-election due to a protest over Sadiq Khan's environmental ULEZ policy.
Similar results ten years ago showing an upswing towards UKIP were said to hail the emergence of a fourth political force in the UK.
Speculation has been rife after Sir Keir Starmer confirmed his predecessor would not be allowed to stand for Labour.
The former Green Party co-leader argued the new bill launches "an attack on nature like we've never seen before"
"A majority of the public would back such a deal, and the question is whether the parties themselves could agree to do it."
A Green Party surge shows that a national level people don't feel like their voices are being heard. Is now the time for proportional representation? – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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