Petition calling for a general election signed by people based across 184 countries
It even includes a handful of signatories from people living in British Antarctic Territory, which does not have a permanent population.
It even includes a handful of signatories from people living in British Antarctic Territory, which does not have a permanent population.
Len Duvall said the figures show "just how burdensome the new requirements are".
Channel 4 was the night’s success story, with 930,000 viewers – almost double the 466,000 who tuned in for the last election.
Turnout dropped more than seven percentage points from the level in 2019.
The Conservative leader defended his party’s record in government against what he described as a ‘declinist narrative’.
All results are being counted overnight, with the first results expected around midnight and final results due at around 6am on July 5.
Say the line, Keir...
The prime minister was pictured canvassing in Bedale, Yorkshire, as media minders sought to shield the embattled prime minister.
Staff at CCHQ accused MPs of going on holiday, refusing to knock on doors and focusing on ministerial responsibilities rather than the election effort. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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