Brexiteer who compared EU to ‘badly-run hotel’ struggles to find hotel staff
“Brexit has caused us enormous problems with recruitment,” the TV presenter bemoaned after facing a lack of EU staff for her own hotel.
“Brexit has caused us enormous problems with recruitment,” the TV presenter bemoaned after facing a lack of EU staff for her own hotel.
“The main problem was the lack of information we had prior to this, as it just made forward planning impossible," one takeaway manager complained.
"Fuck yeah Britain, you show those EU lefties by *checks notes* having more cases than them."
He said Brexit was supposed to take back control and boost the UK's international position, but we are seeing "pretty much the opposite".
"I can't believe as a life-long Conservative voter, I stand at the moment thinking I would be very, very unlikely to vote Conservative again at the moment," one Brexit-voting farmer bemoaned.
Outgoing DUP leader Edwin Poots said he had received a personal assurance from the government that significant changes will be made to the Northern Ireland Protocol.
Experts have advised a new side-effect should be listed for the jab which Boris Johnson has received earlier this year.
Not quite oven-ready. The oven is broken.
It comes as finance ministers from the G7, including the UK, have agreed on making big corporations pay more tax, but Amazon may escape the measures. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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