UK has over 10 times the Covid cases of the entire EU
"Fuck yeah Britain, you show those EU lefties by *checks notes* having more cases than them."
"Fuck yeah Britain, you show those EU lefties by *checks notes* having more cases than them."
While everyone else has been busy mudslinging, Wikipedia has produced a very balanced list of everyone who has made an endorsement during this EU referendum: Endorsements in the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum, 2016 Here are some highlights... BREMAIN BREXIT International Politicians President of the USA Prime Minister of Canada Prime ...
IN: Chuka Umunna (Labour MP for Streatham) Carolyn Fairburn (Director-General of the CBI) Rohan Silva (Tech entrepreneur) OUT: Daniel Hannan (Conservative MEP) Munira Mirza (Former Deputy Mayor for Health and Education) Jenny Jones (Green Party peer) On 7th June, the Royal Geographical Society in South Kensington staged a debate held ... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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