Stay in EU? Express tells readers how to get around Brexit rules for a longer EU holiday
The Express has come up with advice on "hidden ways for Brits to legally get around" visiting the EU for more than 90 days at a time.
The Express has come up with advice on "hidden ways for Brits to legally get around" visiting the EU for more than 90 days at a time.
“You may think the British public are too stupid to grasp that the ‘unworkable’ deal you despise now is, in fact, the same amazing deal you previously touted," a representative for Brits in the EU has said.
“I think there is a tendency in this country to sort of overstate the amount of clout we have in the world these days," Sir David Lidington said.
“When your own government screws you over, forgets about you, and essentially makes you out to be a traitor to your own country, British in Europe were there for us," one Brit in the EU has said.
It comes as The Society of Musicians told a parliamentary inquiry that UK’s music industry is “in grave jeopardy because of Brexit”, and 42 per cent of its touring musicians would consider quitting the UK to save their careers.
"Brexit is now causing builders to down tools due to soaring material costs. Brought to you from the same government who promise to 'Build back better’," political commentator Marina Purkiss said.
The EU previously accused the firm of acting in bad faith by offering the jabs primarily to the UK.
An animal welfare representative said the government is showing signs that there will not be proper protections against animal testing post-Brexit.
A large proportion of Brits are also unaware of any problems between the UK and the EU after Brexit. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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