EU seals huge Latin American trade deal
"This agreement is not just an economic opportunity. It is a political necessity", Ursula von der Leyen said.
"This agreement is not just an economic opportunity. It is a political necessity", Ursula von der Leyen said.
Attempts to pull up the drawbridge have had the opposite intended effect. Now, its architects are doubling down.
The Prime Minister wants to achieve an improved trading relationship with Brussels but he also wants greater defence co-operation with the EU.
The new Foreign Secretary is visiting Germany, Poland and Sweden on his first overseas trip in the role.
Under the terms of the deal, mobility would not be “purpose-bound”, allowing those taking part to study, work, train or travel as they choose.
This deal shows that, rather than freeing the UK to make deals that better suit our national interest, "Brexit has diminished our deal-making leverage", Mike Galsworthy said.
The aid package is intended to support the economy, pay for rebuilding and set Ukraine up for future EU membership.
The veto came after leaders had voted to open negotiations on the war-torn country joining the EU.
The polling has been released after Ursula von der Leyen suggested the next generation could put the UK on a path to rejoining the EU. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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