Why fishing does, and doesn’t, matter for post-Brexit Britain
Why is an industry responsible for just 12,000 jobs across 6,000 vessels in the UK such a headache?
Why is an industry responsible for just 12,000 jobs across 6,000 vessels in the UK such a headache?
In an olive branch to Brussels, the Government said it was prepared to remove three controversial clauses from the UK Internal Market Bill relating to the Irish border.
Retailers have warned the move could cost 40,000 British jobs and £1 billion of investment.
By embracing a model of social responsibility, Faber and Danone have attempted over the course of the past few years to demonstrate that the private sector can, in fact, demonstrate good citizenship.
British diplomats reportedly believe that Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and Irish premier Michael Martin will be the first leaders to hear from Biden.
Labour MP for Rhondda, Chris Bryant also said: "Last week was the worst result ever. I do not understand why Baroness Harding is still in a job."
The French president’s remarks came as the Charlie Hebdo newspaper republished caricatures which prompted a deadly 2015 attack.
French President Emmanuel Macron urged people over 70 to stay at home.
The Brazilian president accused his French counterpart of questioning Brazil’s sovereignty.
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