MPs vote down ‘Musk motion’ to launch national inquiry into grooming gangs scandal
People have pointed out that all of the day's politics in Westminster, including PMQs, was dictated by a foreign billionaire in the US.
People have pointed out that all of the day's politics in Westminster, including PMQs, was dictated by a foreign billionaire in the US.
"It is now reasonable to fear he is deeply unwell", Seth Abramson said.
Elon Musk has just given the world a taste of what is destined to happen in the US.
Currently, 67.7 per cent of X users have voted in favour.
“I feel like our voices, all of our hard work, has been twisted and our experiences have been exploited."
Like tomcats trapped in a pillowcase, two of the most divisive figures in politics are having a very public spat.
Days after calling for X posts to be "more positive", Musk has dubbed Jess Phillips a "rape genocide apologist".
Almost four times as many Britons have a negative view of Musk (64 per cent) as a positive one (17 per cent).
Musk also shared the libellous video Robinson was jailed for with his more than 210 million followers on X, saying it was “worth watching.” – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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