Director of I, Robot accuses Elon Musk of stealing his designs
'Can I have my designs back please?'
'Can I have my designs back please?'
“How long do you think my prison sentence is going to be? Will I see my children? I don’t know."
Donald Trump admitted to not knowing "what the hell Starlink was" after Musk had jumped around on stage for a while.
The Tesla billionaire is believed to have been cut due to his social media posts during the UK riots.
The exodus from X in the UK has been heavily concentrated among progressives, while socially conservative Brits have stuck around.
"This has to be one of the most dangerous comments ever posted on X"
She labelled it ‘heinous incel nonsense’
He's an actual child.
Since 2020, the world’s five richest men have managed to more than double their wealth, whilst the poorest 60 per cent have got poorer. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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