Brits reckon Ed Davey would be better PM than Farage and Badenoch, according to poll
Doesn't seem like Farage's popularity is as strong as he'd have you believe...
Doesn't seem like Farage's popularity is as strong as he'd have you believe...
"It is alarming that the government is happy to negotiate with China but won’t even look at a better trading arrangement with our closest neighbours in Europe."
"The incoming Trump Administration is a threat to peace and prosperity in the UK, across Europe, and around the world."
The Lib Dem leader said a number of wealthy, highly-skilled Americans are looking to come to the UK for fear of what President-elect Trump will do to their country.
The song is a tribute to the caring responsibilities of young carers and the bond they share with the people they care for.
"The world’s largest economy and most powerful military will be led by a dangerous, destructive demagogue."
The Lib Dem leader said his party wants to be heard after winning 72 MPs in July’s general election.
The Lib Dem leader said Labour MPs and others across the House will be ‘genuinely worried’ about the move after correspondence with constituents.
Ed Davey's party could overtake the Conservatives in the Commons in a shift that would "change everything" in UK politics. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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