Petition to stop Donald Trump’s state visit to the UK nears 150,000 signatures
The petition wants to "show Trump, The King and the PM how unwelcome the US president truly is."
The petition wants to "show Trump, The King and the PM how unwelcome the US president truly is."
No surprise there then...
The London mayor said it would be good to show him “the joys of our diversity.”
The success of a film featuring a Russian oligarch gave Conan the perfect opportunity for a dig at Trump.
He made the comments in his first cabinet meeting.
"It will wind all the right people up!"
The sort of headline you'd expect to come out of Moscow or Pyongyang.
The president said the card would be a path to citizenship.
The clip shows the war-ravaged territory transformed into a Middle Eastern paradise. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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