Trump says ‘smart’ Putin invaded Ukraine ‘because of a rigged election’
Trump said Putin had responded to the "weakness and incompetence and stupidity" of the Biden administration.
Trump said Putin had responded to the "weakness and incompetence and stupidity" of the Biden administration.
"Putin declares a big portion of Ukraine as independent. That's wonderful. How smart is that? This is genius."
Truth Social was launched by the former president on Sunday after he was banned from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
“They had no access to power," the journalist said. “Now it’s in the open air.”
The most heavily Republican parts of the country had death rates six times higher than the bluest counties.
Rittenhouse was last week found not guilty of shooting dead two men and injuring another.
The 67-year-old was indicted on Friday on two counts of criminal contempt.
TRUTH Social will also be joined by a video-on-demand service featuring “non-woke” entertainment programming.
A Republican-commissioned six-month, $6million review of the ballot gave Trump 261 fewer votes and Biden 99 more! – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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