WATCH: Raab urged to apologise to women in brutal takedown
Labour’s deputy leader Angela Rayner said Mr Raab had shown ‘not even a shred of shame’ in his reply. Watch the video here.
Labour’s deputy leader Angela Rayner said Mr Raab had shown ‘not even a shred of shame’ in his reply. Watch the video here.
"He looked like a jealous boyfriend!", one person said.
His Cabinet colleague said they had “heard too much” from civil servants claiming "that he’s an absolute s***” to disregard the allegations.
A source close to Mr Raab, who denies bullying staff, said her account was “baseless” and “timed to jump on a political bandwagon"
“This sort of behaviour destroys lives."
At least 24 civil servants, and perhaps more than 30, are involved in formal complaints against Raab, it has been reported.
William Hill spokesperson Lee Phelps conceded that "both could be shipped out of the cabinet if the criticism continues".
Mr Raab has said he is ‘always mindful’ of his behaviour but makes ‘no apologies for having high standards’.
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