Michael Rosen tweet destroys Raab over evading Crete trip question 11 times
Alan Johnson also said the sea wasn't closed on his trip to Crete and says Raab is toast.
Alan Johnson also said the sea wasn't closed on his trip to Crete and says Raab is toast.
“While British nationals and Afghans who helped us are fighting for their lives, the Cabinet are more interested in fighting for their jobs."
The foreign secretary also revealed he was heading to the Middle East to deal with the crisis in a grilling from MPs.
Raab faced criticism for not returning from Crete when the Taliban took control of Kabul.
"Quite honestly, there could be a war going on outside, and you'd barely notice it. Bliss!"
"Well done Dan for doing what a journalist should do: ask for the facts and the truth," said one Twitter user in support.
"I wonder if 'The sea was actually closed' will be remembered as prominently as an alibi as 'It was almost impossible for me to sweat'" wrote one Twitter user.
Scotland’s Health Secretary recently accused Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab of “having pina coladas by the pool” instead of making a call to help interpreters stranded in Afghanistan.
Fewer than one in four now think the Foreign secretary is doing a good job, according to Opinium polling.
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