Laurence Fox charged with sexual offence over social media photo
If found guilty, he could be sentenced to two years in prison, and be placed on the Sex Offenders Register.
If found guilty, he could be sentenced to two years in prison, and be placed on the Sex Offenders Register.
'We must look hard at the reasons why young people are drawn into a world where it’s even a consideration to carry a knife.'
The total is higher than the pre-pandemic year of 2019/20, but below the figure for 2018/19.
With the Tories focused on crime-busting this week, the public have been warned to take their claims with a pinch of salt.
Ian Watkins was subjected to a six-hour ordeal, where prisoners held him hostage and inflicted a set of brutal injuries upon him.
The 'kids-for-cash' scandal saw children as young as 8 shipped off to detention centres without any chance to argue their case.
Over the last year, about 15 MPs are thought to have been investigated by the Parliament watchdog on allegations of bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct.
Under new 'cyberflashing' laws, sending rude images to someone without their consent could land you with a hefty jail sentence.
The Tories claim to be the party of "law and order" - but shocking data from the Home Office itself suggests otherwise. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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