Sweden’s handling of Covid ‘slow’ and ‘inefficient’, report admits
Sweden - famed for its hands-off approach to the pandemic - was "marked by delay", a report said.
Sweden - famed for its hands-off approach to the pandemic - was "marked by delay", a report said.
Mark Drakeford is tightening self-isolation rules, warning the pandemic "is far from over".
It comes amid a new surge in coronavirus cases in Britain which is more than three-times the infection rate of the EU average.
Lib Dem MP Layla Moran, outside the chamber, said: “It is utter hypocrisy that the public are rightfully being advised to wear masks while Conservative MPs refuse to do so.”
Sajid Javid said MPs should set an example by wearing masks in the Commons - but he rarely dons one himself.
Morocco's infection rate is 10.4 per 100,000 people. The UK's is 445.5...
Labour said it "beggars belief" that the committee had been "stood down" while Covid cases are surging.
Covid-19 cases in the UK are at their highest level for almost three months.
He still hasn't got a clue how many HGV drivers have been hired...
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