Count Binface vows to turn Trump golf course into ‘sanctuary for asylum seekers’
Sorry, but given the state of politics across the world right now, we won't be ruling out a Count Binface election victory any time soon.
Sorry, but given the state of politics across the world right now, we won't be ruling out a Count Binface election victory any time soon.
The election candidate for the North Yorkshire seat is looking to woo voters with some bold policies ahead of the July 4th election.
The self-described intergalactic space warrior is running for candidacy in Richmond and Northallerton in the upcoming General Election.
It's 'time to take out the trash'.
The Count also revealed that he is considering running against Rishi Sunak at the next general election.
"Can any other candidate beat this? Not a chance!"
It comes amid reports of missile test failures.
"Britain used to rule the waves; now she just waives the rules", he said. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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