Quebec to impose health tax on unvaccinated
"It’s a question of equity because right now, these people, they put a very important burden on our health care network," the premier said.
"It’s a question of equity because right now, these people, they put a very important burden on our health care network," the premier said.
One doctor said "we have never known this level of staff absence before" and that the pressure facing the health service and GPs "is not normal".
“Looking forward to Frost ‘getting Covid done’ and then resigning from the group,” a Lib Dem Councillor has said.
How to tackle an infantile disease, the "measles of mankind".
“Because skirting round European restrictions and looking for loopholes to enable entirely unnecessary travel in the middle of a pandemic is totally the right thing to do," one person has said.
"When you remember people who sat on some tarmac and caused inconvenience were sent to prison at the speed of light, it’s sort of astonishing Piers Corbyn is still out and about."
“Brexiters kinda forgot that Brexit also means EU countries 'taking back control'. How about that," editor Mike Butcher has said.
The prime minister has been accused of being missing in action over the festive period as Covid cases soar.
Franz Hörl, of local opposition People's Party, said he had no problem with tougher rules for countries such as Britain, labelled "virus variant areas". – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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