‘World leaders’: Daily Mail reacts as Boris tears up Covid rules
The newspaper declared February 24th 'Freedom Day' as people will no longer be required to isolate - even if they test positive for Covid.
The newspaper declared February 24th 'Freedom Day' as people will no longer be required to isolate - even if they test positive for Covid.
Gillian Keegan said she should have ‘immediately’ ended the meeting, and described not doing so as a ‘mistake’ and ‘an error of judgment’.
His attempts to school a professor of immunology on the yellow card system didn't quite go to plan.
The anti-vax activist said he had been "visited by Lord Covid at last... if the LFT is to be believed".
“The entirely avoidable Brexit crisis has had as much of an impact on UK businesses as the unforeseeable Covid-19 tragedy, and its costs are still rising."
A total of 1,382 deaths registered in the week ending January 14 mentioned Covid-19 on the death certificate.
The UK registered more deaths yesterday than New Zealand has throughout the entire pandemic. If that's what success looks like, give me Jacinda's brand of failure any day of the week.
A 66-year-old man from Brockley is among them. He was fined £100 for meeting friends at his allotment to break up the loneliness.
In a judgement, Mrs Justice O’Farrell said the use of the VIP lane, officially known as the high priority lane, was unlawful.
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