Greensill ‘persistently’ lobbied Treasury to join Covid support schemes
Permanent secretary Sir Tom Scholar told MPs that David Cameron rang him directly on his mobile phone.
Permanent secretary Sir Tom Scholar told MPs that David Cameron rang him directly on his mobile phone.
Transparency International UK said those with political access appeared to be favoured.
British families had lower savings, more debt and less welfare help than European nations.
The number of lives lost, as compiled by Johns Hopkins University in the US, is about equal to the population of Kyiv or metropolitan Lisbon.
Insecure workers account for one-in-nine of the total workforce - with women, disabled people and BAME workers more likely to have precarious jobs.
NHS England said a total of 4.7 million people were waiting to start treatment at the end of February 2021.
Sales jumped by 113.8 per cent on the first day of outdoor trading, compared with the same day in 2019.
Sweden now has the highest new Covid cases per person in Europe. The UK, on the other hand, has the lowest.
A total of 391 Covid-19 patients received intensive care treatment in Sweden on Monday, according to data from the country’s Intensive Care Register. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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