Elevenses: Freedom Fighters
At what point should personal freedom yield to the common good?
At what point should personal freedom yield to the common good?
Laurence Fox claimed he will be identifying as a "trans vegan" from this day forward.
"This Government seems allergic to scrutiny: redacting some documents, hiding others from public scrutiny and failing to protect evidence from destruction."
Barbie created the doll as part of a global campaign to encourage girls into Stem careers.
"Oliver has betrayed the sacrifices of those who served in the Second World War and shamed his own profession."
"If my freedom means you might catch Covid from me, then so be it."
The PM's former aide asked the most senior civil servant responsible for contracts to sign off the budget immediately.
“This is madness. It would be like France hammering British holidaymakers due to a Covid outbreak on the Falkland Islands.”
“Flexible working means work fitting around people’s lives, not dictating their lives," Angela Rayner said.
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