Climate expert says it’s time to retire the word ‘unprecedented’
"We're just breaking records over and over again. We've got to stop using unprecedented because it's not unprecedented anymore. It's normal", Jim McQuaid said.
"We're just breaking records over and over again. We've got to stop using unprecedented because it's not unprecedented anymore. It's normal", Jim McQuaid said.
Arctic ice plays a huge role in regulating the Earth’s temperature.
Cambridge University student Cressida Gethin scaled a gantry above the M25 near Heathrow as part of a Just Stop Oil protest.
Energy analysts said the country is not on track, citing a list of U-turns, watered down targets and inconsistent messaging.
"The richest 1 per cent are responsible for more carbon emissions than poorest 66 per cent combined", he pointed out.
The prime minister, foreign secretary and king have all taken their own private jets to travel to Cop28 in Dubai.
Richard Tice called CO2 a "plant food" in a video that could have been debunked by a pre-schooler.
Oxfam’s report, based on research with the Stockholm Environment Institute, assessed the consumption emissions of different income groups.
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