‘Wrong-headed:’ John Redwood slammed for comments about climate emergency
"Basic principle of the universe. If John Redwood says one thing we should do the exact opposite" said one Twitter user.
"Basic principle of the universe. If John Redwood says one thing we should do the exact opposite" said one Twitter user.
“Global heating is affecting every region on Earth, with many of the changes becoming irreversible," the UN Secretary General has said.
Without immediate, rapid and large-scale cuts to greenhouse gas pollution, limiting warming to 1.5C will be beyond reach, scientists say.
Russian authorities started to evacuate two villages in a vast region of Siberia where 155 active forest fires burned on Sunday.
"Human behaviour is alarmingly accelerating global warming," he said, whilst defending allegations that he flew to 30 countries in seven months.
It will contain warnings of how soon global temperatures could rise 1.5C above pre-industrial levels – a limit that countries have pledged to avoid breaching because of the dangerous consequences for humanity.
Scientists believe the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) could have reached a point of “almost complete loss of stability” over the last century.
Some of the most egregious production practices in intensive animal agriculture still exist in Mexico and Brazil, experts have warned.
The UK was battered with almost a month’s worth of rain in a day on Sunday, with homes, roads and Tube stations flooded in the south of England.
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