Only seven countries in the world breathe safe air
Three European countries are among them.
Three European countries are among them.
“Nature has so far balanced our abuse. This is coming to an end."
Experts have cautioned that it is not a "solution" but a "sticking plaster".
Actor Toby Jones, artist Tracey Emin and former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams also criticised the jail terms in an open letter.
Scientists in the US and at the University of St Andrews studied ancient Antarctic ice to make the discovery.
Torrential rainfall events like this will become more frequent due to human-driven climate change.
"The ECHR is saying is that the climate getting hotter would be more dangerous than it not. They don't know that. You don't know that"
"We're just breaking records over and over again. We've got to stop using unprecedented because it's not unprecedented anymore. It's normal", Jim McQuaid said.
Arctic ice plays a huge role in regulating the Earth’s temperature. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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