Drowned: What Buckingham Palace and other world sites will look like due to global heating
A new study shows sea levels rising invading cities like London if world leaders and citizens do no take climate action.
A new study shows sea levels rising invading cities like London if world leaders and citizens do no take climate action.
Experts said Brits are making progress on cutting down meat consumption - but they'll need to double their efforts.
The IMF said the subsidies were "adding fuel to the fire" of the climate crisis ahead of COP26.
Anne-Marie Trevleyan tweeted that “global warming isn’t actually happening” while labelling environmentalists “fanatics".
Labour committed an annual £28 billion to fighting the climate emergency at its Brighton conference.
"He’s talking to world leaders using kids tv shows now," one person said in the aftermath of the address.
The group warned action will continue until the government makes a “meaningful commitment to insulate all of Britain’s 29 million leaky homes by 2030”.
"You can tell a lot about a government based on the company it keeps," Friends of the Earth said.
Orca cost $15 million to build, and is capable of sucking the equivalent of 870 cars' emissions from the air every year.
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