Watch: Trashion show? Activist wears all his own rubbish for an entire month
"For the month, I set aside my ethics and my morals and instead just floated along in the breeze of consumerism."
"For the month, I set aside my ethics and my morals and instead just floated along in the breeze of consumerism."
"If it's bad for the climate, bad for countryside, bad for long-term jobs and steel industry doesn't want it, what reasons are there left Gove?"
Steve Baker shared a paper which said only "gentle warming" was occurring - not a climate emergency.
Rich people have much higher carbon footprints and the share of global emissions they are responsible for is rising, researchers said.
"He sounds intelligent, but he’s completely wrong," one climate scientist said.
Researchers from six different studies found global heating is affecting the health of unborn and born babies, as well as the health of mothers. Here is how:
Questions have been raised over whether the money will be focussed on maximising wildlife benefits or spent in areas of political interest to the Tories.
Researchers said that more than 1.21 million deaths in urban areas globally could have been avoided.
“What people will judge us on, as they will also judge other governments on, is delivery," cabinet minister Alok Sharma has said. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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