Large ice chunk falls from sky and damages house in US
Jeff Ilg said he and his wife, Amelia Rainville, suspect the ice fell off a plane travelling to Boston Logan International Airport.
Jeff Ilg said he and his wife, Amelia Rainville, suspect the ice fell off a plane travelling to Boston Logan International Airport.
The heat of roads 'melted sandals' and burnt people's feet, said a man who escaped the wildfires on the island.
The pair's controversial claim that global warming has actually saved lives has been flagged by fact checkers on Twitter.
"The era of global warming has ended. The era of global boiling has arrived"
The Tory peer has been accused of promoting “denialist tropes” and “right-wing conspiracy theories” in his speech.
Mark Dolan said the "red weather maps" are nothing more than "manipulative climate hysteria". Meanwhile, in the real world, the planet burns.
Poorer households are less able to recover from and adapt to climate effects such as droughts, floods and extreme heat, researchers said.
"We need to act now. We all have a role to play to help the UK prepare for and manage heat risk"
Unprecedented new research examines the human climate niche – the temperature range in which most humans live – and the human cost . – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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