Tag: climate change

How will fracking, climate, pollution affect my constituency?

This interactive map below features the climate, fracking and environmental issues in your constituency with a breakdown below of where candidates stand on these issues. With the general election upon us, these are the constituencies where candidates’ positions on fracking, energy, air pollution, airport expansion and climate change issues could be decisive if you are ...

Revealed: Climate Science Deniers Seize On Trump And Brexit Victories

Kyla Mandel Editor of Desmog UK has been investigating the hidden contriving between shady fossil fuel lobbyists, prominent climate deniers, secretive think tanks, false news propagandists and government figures to subvert the unprecedented global consensus to tackle climate change of the Paris Agreement signed last year to achieve a crucial reduction in ...

Yorkshire Sacrificed to Fracking

“Fossil fuels are so inherently dirty and toxic, that they require sacrificial people and sacrificial places, they always have.” These are the words of environmental activist Naomi Klein, delivering the Edward Said lecture in London earlier this month. As if following her cue, yesterday an alliance of fossil fuel politicians and ...

Global Warming Is Good For The Economy

Global warming is spiralling out of control at the same time as our politicians try to figure out the best way to “maximise the economic recovery of oil and gas”. These aren’t just regular politicians doing this, these are politicians on the Energy and Climate Change Committee. Yesterday in parliament, fossil ...

Boaty McBoatface Will Live Inside David Attenborough

The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) has found a compromise on the controversial naming of its new polar research ship. Boaty McBoatface will live on as an unmanned underwater vessel, spending most of its time stored within RSS Sir David Attenborough. https://twitter.com/bisgovuk/status/728500969722552320 Last month the NERC successfully engaged with the public by democratising the naming of their new research ...

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