Join the Greens to beat climate change, says PM’s climate spokeswoman
The Green Party welcomed Allegra Stratton's emission, saying they "absolutely agree" with her assessment.
The Green Party welcomed Allegra Stratton's emission, saying they "absolutely agree" with her assessment.
The UK was battered with almost a month’s worth of rain in a day on Sunday, with homes, roads and Tube stations flooded in the south of England.
“In many cases, G20 countries are leaving us on track for a world of more heatwaves, flooding and extreme weather events."
Only a few days before Bezos' space trip, more than 150 people lost their lives during a tragic flooding in western Europe.
UN research published in March revealed over a third of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions come from the food industry.
Flooding in New York City “has already become more frequent than in the past, and as long as we continue to warm the planet, we can expect more of this, not less”.
The news from Cyprus come as a huge fire erupted on the surface of the ocean last week to the west of Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula.
George Monbiot, the environmental campaigner, described the page as “an absolute disgrace” which “could have been written by Exxon”.
“The latest UK Climate Projections show a hot summer like 2018 is likely to occur every other year by 2050, by which time the number of heat-related deaths could more than triple from today’s level in the absence of additional adaptation,” the report read. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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