CO2 emissions from 20 livestock firms higher than Germany, France or UK
Scientific reports have revealed that rich countries such as the UK need massive cuts to meat and dairy consumption to tackle the climate crisis.
Scientific reports have revealed that rich countries such as the UK need massive cuts to meat and dairy consumption to tackle the climate crisis.
The planet is getting hotter and the Tories can't decide how much money they have allocated to combat it. Great!
The BMJ said it is the first time so many journals have come together to make the same statement.
One writer said on Twitter that the company “robbed humanity of a generation’s worth of time to reverse climate change”.
The teenage climate activist said no countries in the global north "are even doing close to what is needed".
Delayed high seasons and more trees: the National Trust is planning for climate catastrophe.
"Pointing at other countries and this whataboutism isn't going to stop climate collapse," wrote one Twitter user.
The group says thousands of people are expected to take part in their ‘Impossible Rebellion’, which is taking place in locations across the capital.
Increased water precipitation has triggered ice loss seven times more voluminous than average at this point in August. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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