Caroline Lucas endorses groundbreaking book on Britain’s asylum system
"A copy should be on every desk not just in the Home Office, but throughout government."
"A copy should be on every desk not just in the Home Office, but throughout government."
The appointments embody the spirit of cross-party collaboration needed to address the challenges facing the UK today.
Bristol Central and Brighton Pavilion could both turn Green at the next general election, while local advances are also in the offing.
From fracking to proportional representation, Lucas has ploughed an extensive political furrow.
"If every policy announcement Rishi Sunak makes undermines his net zero commitments, then it is meaningless", Caroline Lucas told TLE.
Lucas emphasised her love for the city and its people, acknowledging the privilege of working alongside them.
The pair clashed over the government's illegal migration bill, which is currently making its way through parliament.
"The bill shames us all. It shames especially those ministers who are deliberately stirring up hatred with their vile and dehumanising language."
The former Green Party co-leader argued the new bill launches "an attack on nature like we've never seen before" – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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