YouGov poll shows Brexit voters now ‘rejecting’ Nigel Farage
New poll data released this week reveals that Nigel Farage is viewed negatively by a majority of those who voted to leave the EU in 2016.
The UK is the first and so far only country to have left the EU and Brexit was and is the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom). The official withdrawal was at 23:00 31 January 2020 GMT (00:00 CET).
New poll data released this week reveals that Nigel Farage is viewed negatively by a majority of those who voted to leave the EU in 2016.
Attempts to pull up the drawbridge have had the opposite intended effect. Now, its architects are doubling down.
Liz Webster said the border inspection facilities represented a “shocking waste of time and money”.
The day after the vote, Crispin Odey said: “There’s that Italian expression – ‘Il mattino ha l’oro in bocca’ (the morning has gold in its mouth) and never has one felt so much that idea as this morning.”
Peter Stefanovic said the former chancellor is being allowed to "take the public for fools".
The Product Safety and Metrology Bill allows the UK to ‘mirror or diverge from updated EU rules’.
The former MEP fessed up to taking the Union Jack flag after he found out it was being put in storage until such a time that the UK decided to rejoin the EU.
Nick Thomas-Symonds will meet the vice president of the European Commission for their first face-to-face talks.
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