Mike Galsworthy ends the Brexit argument in four minutes
"I can't see a model for the future of humanity that I like coming out of China, India or The States. But I can see it in Europe."
The UK is the first and so far only country to have left the EU and Brexit was and is the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom). The official withdrawal was at 23:00 31 January 2020 GMT (00:00 CET).
"I can't see a model for the future of humanity that I like coming out of China, India or The States. But I can see it in Europe."
The value of UK goods exports to the EU sank 27 per cent and imported goods by 32 per cent, according to a new report.
The Labour Party is up in arms about the £22 billion hole in the public finances... perhaps they should consider the £311 billion hole Brexit is about to blow in the UK economy.
New research has revealed that Gen Z is overwhelmingly in favour of rejoining the EU - and most voters want a second referendum.
Fewer highly-skilled foreign workers are trying to find employment in the UK, as many companies surveyed blame Brexit.
Passengers flying via London will have to pay the charge even if they are only in the country for a matter of hours and never leave the airport.
His application for a work permit, which could have taken up to nine months to process, has been rejected by the Spanish government.
Tony Blair also called for the UK to 'repair its relationship' with the EU, and slammed the Brexit campaign for the biggest lie of the lot.
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