Tag: Brexit

The UK is the first and so far only country to have left the EU and Brexit was and is the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom). The official withdrawal was at 23:00 31 January 2020 GMT (00:00 CET).

Why Corbyn’s Labour Manifesto Is Well Worth A Read

Though many of the main elements of Labour's 2017 election manifesto and its 'For The Many Not The Few' pitch were leaked last week, the full manifesto is well worth a read as it offers a very different vision for Britain than the Conservatives have given us so far. Some ...

Theresa May’s Call For A Snap Election Hypocrisy-Checked In Full

A vicar's daughter exuding sincerity and humility, understandably, the nation trusts Theresa May above all others to steer us through the chaotic divorce from the EU that she warned against, but now believes in whole-heartedly. And we also trust her fully now she has announced she needs even more of that ...

Brexit Brussels: Lloyds Of London Sets Up In Brussels

Brexit Britain is good news. For Brexit Brussels. Lloyds of London looks set to become Lloyds of London and Brussels with one in six staff of one of the world's biggest insurance markets moving to Belgium to secure a post-Brexit foothold in Europe. The announcement will be a major embarrassment for sections ...

Tesco axes more than 30 beers and cider over Brexit row

Tesco is caught up another Unilever-esque row with Heineken which could lead to over 30 beers and ciders been axed from its shelves. The supermarket could be about to cut ties with popular brands such as Heineken, Amstel, Sol and Tiger if the dispute remains unresolved. Planned price hikes in the wake ...

Revealed: Climate Science Deniers Seize On Trump And Brexit Victories

Kyla Mandel Editor of Desmog UK has been investigating the hidden contriving between shady fossil fuel lobbyists, prominent climate deniers, secretive think tanks, false news propagandists and government figures to subvert the unprecedented global consensus to tackle climate change of the Paris Agreement signed last year to achieve a crucial reduction in ...

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