Labour MPs speak out against Brexit ‘disaster’
“Brexit is a disaster. It is a disaster by anybody’s metric."
The UK is the first and so far only country to have left the EU and Brexit was and is the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom). The official withdrawal was at 23:00 31 January 2020 GMT (00:00 CET).
“Brexit is a disaster. It is a disaster by anybody’s metric."
Germany's top London diplomat has called for Britain to make a deal to rejoin Europe's custom union. Speaking at the British Chambers of Commerce on Thursday morning, ambassador Miguel Berger, used the example of Turkey to explain how a potential deal could work for Britain. He said: “When we have ...
"95 per cent of people in the UK don't get a free lunch, I don't get a free lunch, I've never had a free lunch."
The scheme was supposed to come into effect in 2023 but has been delayed until later this year. Later this year, people travelling with British passports will be required to pay a £6-waiver before entering most EU countries. The European Travel Information and Authorisation Scheme (ETIAS) was originally meant to ...
The petition will now be considered for parliamentary debate.
Is the Brexit fantasy falling apart after less than a decade? Dissent is growing rapidly - and closer EU alignment has its financial benefits.
In his scorching takedown of Brexit, Jeremy Clarkson also stated he'd join Alan Sugar and 'crawl back' to the EU on his hands and knees.
An article about plummeting support for Brexit seems to have disappeared from their website...
They won the vote nine years ago, they've been out of the EU for five years, and yet... the Brexiteers are still mad at everything. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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