BBC reporting ‘not politically biased’, but ‘strongly led by Westminster narrative’
An analysis of the corporation’s coverage found that a lack of impartiality could be caused by "uninformed groupthink".
An analysis of the corporation’s coverage found that a lack of impartiality could be caused by "uninformed groupthink".
"Which is more embarrassing a former Prime Minister using the chairman of the BBC as a financial fixer or a former Chancellor who can't get his tax sums right?"
The BBC chief said the row over his role in reportedly helping arrange a guarantor for a loan for Boris Johnson was a distraction for the BBC.
Revelations that the former Tory chancellor owes millions of pounds in tax look to have been filed in the "Michelle Mone drawer", Alastair Campbell said.
Their interview with Izzy Lenga has now been published in full on its corrections page.
Low growth, high inflation, soaring business costs and squeezed productivity cushioned by.... cheese.
The Beeb has been criticised for featuring anti-nuke campaigners in Vigil and using too many black or Asian cops in The Responder.
John McAndrew said it was an "enormous privelege" to join a "trusted broadcaster" at a time when "trust, truth and transparency are at an absolute premium".
Grant Shapps has warned Beijing that there is ‘no excuse’ for the treatment of Edward Lawrence by Chinese authorities. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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