WATCH: Cummings smirks when confronted with Vote Leave’s Turkey claim
In a bombshell BBC interview, Cummings defended the controversial Turkey claim with a smile.
In a bombshell BBC interview, Cummings defended the controversial Turkey claim with a smile.
In the hour-long broadcast Cummings said the sooner his old boss Boris Johnson leaves No 10 the better.
The former aide said it is "objectively ludicrous" to suggest that Boris Johnson as PM is a "good thing for the country".
"It’s time they and other news channels found their courage and held the Prime Minister to account," Stefanovic told TLE.
"Find your courage BBC."
Millennials finally have a "just be quiet and watch that for a few hours" channel for their parents.
The footage was described as "terrifying".
“In 25 years of doing this job, that was the most difficult, distressing and emotional broadcast I’ve ever been involved with," Gary Lineker said.
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